Teen Visions 2021 showcases an incredible summer

Over 90 people joined us at the Trolley Barn Gallery for The Art Effect’s Teen Visions in-person opening last Friday, September 10, 2021, where members of the community, young artists and their families, and The Art Effect staff celebrated an incredible showcase of work from the summer. The show features over 70 pieces of artwork by teen artists from a number of different summer programs at The Art Effect, including Spark Studios, MADLab, the Junior Art Institute, and the Summer Art Institute. [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”28″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_height=”175″ thumbnail_crop=”0″ images_per_page=”3″ number_of_columns=”3″] Remarks from Executive Director Nicole Fenichel-Hewitt and program heads David Wong, Paul Thompson, Rick Price, and Michael Hollick highlighted the creative journeys youth undertake in The Art Effect’s programs each summer. Artists from each program spoke briefly about their personal experiences and takeaways from their summers making art. The Teen Vision Virtual Artist Talk will feature a more in depth Q&A with artists from the showcase on September 29 from 7–8pm. Simultaneously on display at The Trolley Barn Gallery through October 2, Mary Haddad’s Black Lives Matter mural was also highlighted at the Teen Visions opening when Mary Haddad spoke about the genesis of the mural and working with teens at Oakwood Friends School this past year on its creation. Teen Visions will remain up on view through October 2, 2021 with gallery hours during the week and each weekend. The gallery is open Wednesday through Friday from 2–5pm and on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm. If you aren’t able to visit the gallery in person for the show you see all of the amazing work on display by visiting our virtual gallery for the show here. For more information on this and upcoming exhibitions visit: thearteffect.org/current-exhibitions. [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”28″ display=”basic_slideshow”]