Posted February 21st, 2019 — Filed under
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Posted February 16th, 2019 — Filed under
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Posted February 11th, 2019 — Filed under
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We’re excited to announce that twenty students from The Art Effect’s Art Institute program received recognition at the 2019 Hudson Valley Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Award. Presented by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards recognize exceptional and artistic talent in students from across the United States.
By entering their work in 29 different categories of art and writing, middle school and high school students over the age of 13 from all over the country in grades 7–12 have the chance to win scholarships and receive national recognition. All of those that have received regional Gold Keys will be forwarded to the national level of the Scholastic Awards, where they will be considered for National Medals. Student work is on display at SUNY New Paltz from Friday, February 8th through March 3rd, 2019.
Students of The Art Effect’s Art Institute program received 1 American Vision, 52 Gold Keys, 56 Silver Keys, 1 Silver Portfolio and 50 Honorable Mentions. These students include:
Arlington High School:
Alison Hoyos
Kyla Holland
Ashley Pink
Lauren Ricci
Benjamin Solliday
Eric Yen
Buckeley Middle School:
Jadyn Stafford
FDR High School:
Michael Kaake
Goshen High School:
Ben Pahuki
Cora Pahuki
The Harvey School:
Nina Ansaldi
Amelia Audette-Diaz – Highland, NY
Audrey Poteet – Red Hook, NY
John Jay High School:
Melanie Moore
Grace Padgett
Kennedy Catholic High School:
Emma Schmidt
Kingston Senior High School:
Emily Dooley
Marlboro High School
Wislianie Valdez
New Paltz High School:
Juliette Crisafi
Pilar Duvivier
James Hyland
Our Lady of Lourdes:
Alyssa Santacroce
Poughkeepsie High School:
Lamar Wint
Rhinebeck High School:
Molly Stark
Rondout Valley High School:
Isabella Cristian-Fernandez
Olivia Weinstein
“These awards, as well as seeing their art hanging in a professional show, validate our students’ hard work and countless hours spent in the studio,” states Todd Poteet, Director of Visual Arts at The Art Effect. “For some, it means scholarships to college, a pathway to success, or an opportunity to express their voice, but for all, what I see is The Art Effect.”
Check out the some of the work that made it to the Scholastic Awards below! Can you recognize any of our artists?
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Posted February 1st, 2019 — Filed under
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Spend your summer with The Art Effect! With programs for children ages 4-19, your child will develop personally and professionally while gaining the tools necessary to explore the arts, strengthen their creative voices, and gain meaningful experiences.
Take a look at what’s happening this summer:
Dutchess Arts Camps: Ages 4-12
Each week brings a new adventure! Camp directors create wonderfully imaginative weekly themes and professional teaching artists develop creative projects around them, using visual, media, and performing arts to foster self-expression and creativity. Campers will be immersed in colors, lines, shapes, textures, fabrics, clay, and sound as they develop new ideas and learn new skills. Weekly sessions offered July 8 – August 16th.
Three locations:
Poughkeepsie (Poughkeepsie Day School)
Red Hook (Red Hook Community Center)
Millbrook (Alden Place Elementary School)
NEW! Ulster Arts Camp: Ages 4-12
The Art Effect is moving into Ulster County this summer! Our signature youth arts program is now offered in New Paltz on the campus of SUNY New Paltz. Join us for our inaugural season across the river!
Junior Art Institute: Ages 11 – 14
The Junior Art Institute is for mid-level students to focus on developing their skills in drawing, painting, photography and filmmaking while helping them prepare for intensive visual arts instruction in high school and beyond. Held in the studios of Dutchess Community College along with its sister program The Art Institute, students will explore the foundations of good artmaking practices in a variety of media. Film & Photography studies will build students’ understanding of storytelling, conceptualism, and digital equipment while Drawing & Painting studies will expand their understanding of composition, color relationships, visual art techniques and more.
There are three two-week sessions offered: July 1 – July 12, July 15–26, and July 29 – Aug 9. To learn more, visit our website.
The Art Institute: Ages 14-19
Located in the Fine Arts Studios and Photo Lab at Dutchess Community College, the summer sessions of The Art Institute are for motivated teens to develop their creativity, build skills in the visual arts, and prepare portfolios for college. Professional artists serve as teachers and mentors, encouraging students to build their skills while becoming well-rounded and diversified in the visual arts. There are two two-week sessions offered: July 1 – July 19 and July 22 – August 9 with a residential option offered in Session 2.
**Residential Program (July 21 – August 9)
Enjoy the same great Art Institute summer day program while receiving added bonuses. Participants will enjoy special evening activities, additional challenging night workshops (Tuesday–Thursday), and rewarding weekend art excursions while living in the dorms on campus at Dutchess Community College. Meals and accommodations included.
Spaces in our summer programs are likely to fill up with the warmer months approaching – register today! If you have any questions, please contact us at 845.471.7477 or email
Posted January 28th, 2019 — Filed under
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Thank you to all for joining us for Art After Hours: Teen Visions at the Poughkeepsie Trolley Barn last Friday! It was a special evening for us and we hope you enjoyed the fabulous food and drink vendors that provided us with a delicious experience!
Guests enjoyed over 70 pieces of artwork created by young artists as part of The Art Institute Summer Intensive and the Junior Art Institute. This exhibition represented only a small portion of the more than 1,500 works created last summer, and therefore it was an incredible accomplishment for each of these young artists to have their work chosen for display. Students with work in the show ranged from 14 –18 years old and came from schools around the Hudson Valley and beyond.
While exploring artwork through the Trolley Barn, guests also listened to live music from the Absolute Zeros and tasted food and drinks from many great local food and beverage vendors. From dessert samplings like cupcakes and fudge to hot dishes like mac ‘n cheese and taquitos, guests enjoyed samples paired with great local beer from Foreign Objects Beer and Mill House Brewing Company.
A special thank you to all of our wonderful vendors for the evening:
- Chakra Bowls
- Cheesecake Heaven
- Cyn’s Sweet Tooth
- The Educated Chef
- El Azteca Mexican
- Foreign Objects Beer
- Hudson River Housing Coffee House, Cafe & Kitchen
- Noshi’s Coney Island
- Twisted Soul Food Concepts
- Sprout Creek Farm
This exhibition was the first in the gallery at the newly renovated Poughkeepsie Trolley Barn. Guests had the opportunity to tour the rest of the Trolley Barn with Dean Temple, President of the Board at The Art Effect, and Roy Budnik from the Mid-Hudson Heritage Center. We then invited guests to provide us with feedback on a potential move of The Art Effect’s offices and studios to the Trolley Barn once the rest of the restoration is complete through a survey as well as through a selfie station here:
All of the proceeds of Art After Hours support The Art Effect’s youth programs. By attending this event, you helped us continue to change young people’s lives through the arts.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our next Art After Hours event, happening April 6, 2019 from 8:00pm-10:00pm!
All of the proceeds of Art After Hours support The Art Effect’s youth programs. By attending this event, you helped us continue to change young people’s lives through the arts.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our next Art After Hours event, happening April 6, 2019 from 8:00pm-10:00pm!
Special thanks to Esther Ndacyayisenga at MASS Design Group for capturing drone footage of the event!
Posted January 2nd, 2019 — Filed under
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Join us for this exhibition of more than 35 young artists! Teen Visions showcases the artistic accomplishments of students at The Art Effect to the community. This year, the Poughkeepsie Trolley Barn will feature Teen Visions as the first exhibition in its newly renovated space.
The Teen Visions exhibition features more than 70 works of art, from drawings, photography, paintings, and mixed media, created over this past summer’s Art Institute. It is an incredible accomplishment to be chosen for the Teen Visions exhibition. The work in the show represents 71 number of pieces out of over 1,500 created.
Experience the Trolley Barn for the first time as you enjoy the exhibition from January 4th to January 18th, Tuesday to Friday from 11:30 am – 4:00 pm. This exhibition is free and open to the public.
In addition to the two-week exhibit, we invite you to our Art After Hours closing reception on January 18th from 5:30 – 7:30pm, during which artists will be honored in a family-friendly, happy hour-style event. Art After Hours is a signature fundraising event for The Art Effect, featuring unlimited tastings from local craft breweries and amazing food vendors as well as live music. Art After Hours is open to the general public for $40/ticket which can be purchased here.
Posted December 12th, 2018 — Filed under
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Please join us this Saturday, December 15th from 4:00-6:00pm for the opening reception of the Senior Project exhibition!
Senior Project is the most intensive program offered at The Art Institute. Modeled after a senior thesis college course, Senior Project challenges high school seniors to be career-minded and think seriously about their art as they develop a portfolio of artwork around a personal theme. After the twelve week course, students finish Senior Project with twelve finished works in their portfolio.
The Fall 2018 Senior Project class was a unique one – the class was made up of only female students for the first time ever! This created an exciting dynamic between seven young painters who discovered how to tie personal themes into their professional artwork. The final work created by Senior Project students will be on display in a month-long exhibition, open for free to the public Monday through Friday from 9:00-5:00pm at the Carole J. Wolf Gallery at The Art Effect’s Pershing Studios (45 Pershing Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY.)
The seven artists featured in the exhibition include:
Wislianie Valdez – Marlboro High School
Nina Ansaldi – Yorktown High School
Ashley Pink – Arlington High School
Lauren Ricci – Arlington High School
Melanie Moore – John Jay High School
Emma Schmidt – John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
Molly Stark – Rhinebeck High School
A panel discussion will be held during the reception and moderated by Rick Price. This event is free and open to the public!
Posted November 15th, 2018 — Filed under
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Tariq on set at Spark Studios
With his heart pounding, Tariq clicked on the email. Was he going to chase his dream of becoming a filmmaker in New York City? Was he going to become the first person in his family to go to college?
“We are pleased to inform you…” He didn’t need to read anymore: Tariq was going to New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, class of 2022!
Tariq didn’t have an easy childhood: born on the island of Jamaica, he moved at age 9 to the City of Poughkeepsie and struggled to find his place. In 10th grade, Tariq discovered his passion for making films at The Art Effect. With The Art Effect, Tariq earned an income, gained important filmmaking and workforce skills, and found a home among his peers and teachers. With this support, Tariq felt confident applying for college.
Tariq was accepted into one of the best film schools in the country and would become the first person in his family to attend college. With The Art Effect’s guidance—from learning about filmmaking, to receiving mentorship during the college application process, to affording the full cost of attending college—Tariq’s dream became a reality.
Local youth like Tariq need your help. By making a gift to The Art Effect, you are supporting programs that help students get into college and reach their ambitions. On Tuesday, November 27th, The Art Effect is participating in Giving Tuesday, the largest charitable day of the year nationwide.

Tariq and MaryEllen, Director of Education and Experience Programming, shortly after telling us he was accepted into NYU!
Your contribution can make a huge difference to local youth in need of The Art Effect’s programs and mentorship. With your help, future artists and media masters will be able to take their next step toward higher education.
Join us on November 27th to reach our goal of raising $6,000 in 24 hours and help students like Tariq realize their dream of attending college.
Make a gift by clicking here!

Tariq gave us a tour inside the Tisch Building at NYU! He’s enjoying all of his classes as a freshman so far.
Posted October 22nd, 2018 — Filed under
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On September 25th, 2018, The Art Effect held its inaugural Art After Dark at The Henry A. Wallace Center at The FDR Presidential Library and Home, honoring Michael J. Quinn and Niki Pagones Quinn, Creative Breanna Lee Nussbickel, and Amina Kearney.
140 guests enjoyed a wide variety of immersive arts experiences, including digital art created by students of The Art Institute and
Junior Art Institute, as well as an interactive projection that had them jumping for joy!
Our youth volunteers in A Light in the Dark painted guests with colorful light sources during a photoshoot to create beautiful, bright images in a room that was otherwise pitch black! Thank you to Jen Kiaba, one of our teaching artists, for being our painting with light photographer.
Meanwhile, in the FDR Inks & Drinks room, guests tasted our signature cocktail “A Mead Buzz” donated by Salt Point
Meadery and tried on custom temporary tattoos while watching youth-produced historic documentaries.
Missed it at Art After Dark? Here’s how you can make A Mead Buzz at home:
2 oz. Honeymoon mead from Salt Point Meadery
2 oz. club soda
1 lemon wedge, squeezed
1 lemon wedge, garnish on rim
Sprig of thyme
Guests received the star treatment in Quiet on the Set! Our youth production crew directed our guests to act in various scenes using props on a faux movie set. The big surprise: these scenes were later used in the evening’s feature film The Art Effect: An Origin Story. You can view the film here! Note: the password to view the video is ‘art’.

Preceding our film screening, our honorees were presented with their 2018 Art After Dark awards, personalized tunnel books handcrafted by Art Institute Alumni Eleanor Milkowski Dahlgren.
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We would like to extend a thank you to our music for the evening, Basestation68, our youth jazz band, as well as our event sponsors: Mill House Brewing Company, Nostrano Vineyards, Poughkeepsie Wine & Liquor, Queen City Lofts, Salt Point Meadery, Vanikiotis Group: Daily Planet Diner, Red Line Diner, Table Talk Diner, and Hyde Park Marina and Tinkelman Architecture!
What was your favorite part of the evening? Be sure to tag us and let us know on Facebook by using the hashtag #thearteffect!
Posted October 12th, 2018 — Filed under
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Liz is a multi-disciplinary Art Director specializing in boundary-pushing digital creative for gen-z and millennial audiences. Extensive experience defining brands’ visual identities and telling 360-degree stories that engage and empower consumers.
Currently Art Director @ Sweet
Clients include: TBS, School of Doodle, The Georges Malaika Foundation, No Big Deal PR, Clover Letter,Time Out Magazine, Hard Candy, Reebok, Smuggler Films, Greencard Pictues, Eyeball Records