The Art Effect’s summer programs will light the creative spark in young artists and help them dive deeper into various art mediums! Each fun-filled summer program will have your child explore new materials, master artistic skills, and create works of art they can be proud of. Professional Teaching Artists are ready to guide your student on their creative journey. Whether your child is a messy, experimental maker or more seriously pursuing the arts, there’s something for everyone this summer! At our Dutchess and Ulster Arts Camps, your child will paint, perform, tie-dye, paper mache, and play! Students in the Summer and Junior Arts Institute will experiment with printmaking, hone their fine arts skills, and create digital masterpieces to elevate their portfolios!
Creativity will flourish as campers explore their artistic abilities, play games, and make lasting friendships at Dutchess & Ulster Arts Camp! Your young artist will enjoy beautiful outdoor spaces, ceramic kilns, a theater, art studios, and other creative spaces!
Our experienced and friendly Dutchess & Ulster Arts Camp counselors and teaching artists will support fun, hands-on art-making with various mediums including painting, sculpture, collage, animation, and performance, based on engaging weekly camp themes. The pieces created at camp will portray your child’s individuality, tapping into each camper’s specific interests.
Daily schedules include opening and closing circles, structured art instruction, snacks, lunch, and outside play. A weekly showcase will occur at the end of each week and is an opportunity for your camper to shine! All of their work from the week will be on display during the showcase and they’ll get to show off their learned performances to family and friends.
The Junior Art Institute is a 2-week skill-building program meant to take art lovers and make them into future artists! During this session, students will learn to use complex fine art and digital art techniques to develop their very own body of work. Students will receive feedback from working artists in the industry, create a community of peers, and explore new materials while expanding their artistic knowledge! Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm. Dutchess Community College – Allyn Washington Center for Art & Science, 37 Gallery Circle, Poughkeepsie.
Fine Arts students will explore drawing, painting, introductory figure drawing, and stop motion animation in this 2-week summer session! These intensive art courses will teach students the various concepts of 2D and 3D art while showing them the many possibilities and outcomes these techniques and materials offer. The Junior Art Institute Fine Arts track is perfect for students serious about fine art and developing their skill set!
The Junior Art Institute’s Digital Arts track will include instruction in digital arts and illustration, stop-motion animation, and experimental printmaking. Students will learn fine art skills such as value, color theory, composition, and 3D modeling to create original digital artworks. They will also learn how fine art elements enhance character designs and narratives! This track is great for students interested in animation, character design, and illustration.
The Summer Art Institute is an intensive portfolio-building program that takes your talented student’s skills to the next level! During each session, students will be educated in advanced fine art and digital art-making techniques, as well as contemporary concepts that will help them develop unique and engaging works of art. Students will receive feedback and guidance from a diverse staff of working artists, participate in portfolio reviews with college representatives, and create a network of like-minded peers while exploring new materials, and expanding their artistic knowledge!
Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm Dutchess Community College – Allyn Washington Center for Art & Science, 37 Gallery Circle, Poughkeepsie
The Summer Art Institute’s Fine Arts Track includes courses in Painting & Drawing, Color & Human Figure, and Experimental Printmaking to expand on their artistic knowledge and develop an authentic, refined, and mature fine art portfolio. This comprehensive fine arts track is perfect for young artists interested in creating a strong portfolio that includes impressive 2D artworks. Working from intricate still lifes and live models, students will learn contemporary art elements and explore experimental techniques.
The Summer Art Institute’s Digital Arts Track includes courses in Digital Illustration, Mixed-Media Animation, and Color & Human Figure. Students will use their artistic knowledge to develop an authentic, refined, and mature digital art portfolio.This comprehensive track is perfect for young artists interested in creating a strong portfolio that includes impressive digital artworks and animations. Projects include working with clay for stop motion animations, creating original characters, developing contemporary narrative artworks, and exploring experimental techniques
Early drop-off available for an additional $25/day (no earlier than 8:15 AM) Late pick-up available for an additional $25/dau (no later than 5:15 PM) Please email or call 845-471-7477 to schedulean early drop off/late pick up.
Additional Discounts
Multiclass/Sibling Discount: Save 5% when registering 2 or more children OR when you sign 1 child up for two or more courses.
Gift Certificates: To redeem a gift certificate to purchase this class please contact Art Institute Coordinator, Abby Lessick, at our office 845-471-7477 or via email at If you’d like to buy a gift certificate or gift this class, click here.
As part of The Art Effect’s curatorial workforce development program, youth curators attend gallery shows in the Hudson Valley and New York City and write reviews of what they’ve seen. One of the newest members of the Trolley Barn Curatorial Team, Crystal Serino, shares her thoughts on a recent show at Miles McCentry Gallery.
Linnenbrink’s gleeful use of unexpected colors and vibrance embraces a childlike joy in art. He developed unique processes he refers to as “Cut”,”Drill”,”Drip”, and “Reverse” painting. Linnenbrink stated: “All interaction with color happens in and through the eye of the viewer. The same visual information then lands in receptors that are all molded by the whole life story of the individual that receives what is to be seen.” His other works in the space include spheres, chairs, and linear sculptures.
My favorite piece in the gallery was the resin sphere “COLDWORLDGOODMANBITEBACK”. This work has objects infused inside such as a Roblox character, a medical ID, a Seinfeld photo, and even a tooth. Mixed in with the vibrant colors are small skulls in the layers.
Of all the galleries we toured in Chelsea, this one was my favorite exhibition. You can play around with a childhood wonder. In my artistic journey, resin art has always fascinated me. Seeing it represented in this light brings my soul joy.
As part of The Art Effect’s curatorial workforce development program, youth curators attend gallery shows in the Hudson Valley and New York City and write reviews of what they’ve seen. Senior member of the Trolley Barn Curatorial Team, Chanel Reed, shares her thoughts on a recent show at the Tanya Bonakdar Gallery.
The Tanya Bonakdar Gallery is at 521 West 21st Street, New York, NY. This gallery developed a contemporary program that includes painting, drawing, installation, sculpture, video, and photography, representing thirty unique artists worldwide. The gallery continues to support the works and careers of artists internationally. The Tanya Bonakdar Gallery featured a past exhibition, “Night Tripper” (June 22 – July 28, 2023), exhibiting Dana Powell’s newest pieces that have an ominous and unsettling effect. She composed small-scale oil paintings that depicted moments like the moonlit sky and dark backroads.
Powell’s small-scale pieces aren’t as provocative as others but burden the viewer with many questions. Dana Powell’s “Closed Road” is a 12 x 14-inch piece that drew my attention. It produces an unnerving atmosphere with bright orange cones and green leaves scattered along a dark road. The piece is painted with fine details that layer paint with textured strokes but also renders form with smooth discipline – similar to impressionism, but with more detail. Powell lets light and color prevail in her work, letting the mood settle into the audience.
This hyperrealism series presents a pleasingly cinematic story full of crime and sinister acts. Within the gallery, the images are spacious along its large white walls. The viewer closes in toward one painting and takes a few steps to another with a whole new scenario. It has the same effect as the pacing of an indie movie. They are capturing the rare moments people miss. This exhibition was purely interesting. It inspired me to continue a path in my illustrative career, creating work that minds the little things in life people look twice at and letting the brain flow.
The Art Effect is now accepting applications through the Dutchess County Workforce Investment Board (DCWIB) for the 2023 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)!
SYEP is a first come first serve program for youth who meet eligibility requirements. SYEP participants can $14.20 per hour for up to 25 hours per week. Please write in The Art Effect and which program you are interested in applying for on the DCWIB application below.
SYEP ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ✓ Resident of Dutchess County ✓ Family income being at or below 200% of poverty level ✓ On July 1, 2022, you are between the ages of 14 and 20 years old. ✓ Eligible to work in the U.S. and have proper identification
MADLab (Media, Arts & Design Lab) | July 5 – August 17 Monday – Thursday, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
MADLab is an arts-based career and skills training program that trains youth in:
Visual art, graphic design, and aesthetic development skills
Creating public art projects with professional artists
Leadership and communication skills through public outreach
Create a mural for the Dutchess Community Empowerment Center as well as public art installations around the Trolley Barn and botanical installations on Pershing Avenue this summer! Youth who complete MADLab earn a wage of $14.20/hr
Spark Studios | July 5 – August 17 Monday – Thursday, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Spark Studios is a media-based career and skills development program that trains youth through community client projects and origional creative film. Training includes::
Video production, camera operation, filmmaking techniques
Working with clients on commercial videos
Video editing software including sound mixing
Create original narrative shorts and Public Service Announcements to be entered into film festivals across the world this summer! Youth who complete Spark Studios earn a wage of $14.20/hr
To apply for summer Spark Studios or MADlab, please submit your application directly to DCWIB:
Original, signed applications may be dropped off or mailed to: DCWorks, 191 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Operating Hours 8:30am to 4:30pm
The Art Effect’s Summer Art Institute (including Junior Art Institute) takes young artists on a deep dive into their chosen medium while building foundational knowledge of techniques, elements and principles of fine or digital art. Intermediate and advanced students will develop and elevate their technical skills to create a dynamic portfolio. High school students interested in pursuing a degree in the arts will meet with college representatives and receive portfolio critiques through each two-week session.
Monday – Friday, 9:30 – 4:30pm Dutchess Community College – Allyn Washington Center for Art & Science, 37 Gallery Circle, Poughkeepsie
Select a major based on the choices below. Each major includes different classes with developmentally-appropriate arts instruction. For more information, click on a two-week session below:
Foundational-level majors are recommended for youth ages 11-15 with little or no previous experience in fine or digital art.
Fine Art Foundations – Learn basic techniques, elements and principles of fine art through drawing, painting, mixed media, and collage. One digital art class is also included.
Digital Art Foundations –Learn essential elements and principles of digital art. Projects include digital painting, drawn animations, and graphic design. One fine art class is also included.
The Portfolio Foundations major is recommended for youth ages 12-16 in high school with introductory experience in fine or digital art, or advanced middle school students.
Portfolio Foundations –Begin to develop a dynamic portfolio in drawing, painting, and digital art while expanding on fundamental drawing and painting skills in both visual and digital arts. Primarily working from observation and reference photos, students will learn composition, color theory, mark-making and narrative illustration. Projects will include still life, landscapes, self-portraits, and more!
Portfolio majors are recommended for intermediate-to-advanced level high school students ages 14-19 with experience in digital or fine art.
Portfolio in Digital Art –Develop a dynamic portfolio while expanding on fundamental digital art skills in mark-making, working with layers, digital character design, animated expressive and narrative shorts, posters and web graphics, and digital composition.
Portfolio in Drawing & Painting – Use drawing, painting, and mixed media to experiment with conceptual works and create work that focuses on a personal vision and voice. Recommended for seniors with college applications on their mind.
Each morning begins with an all-student body circle up and an inspiration session where teaching artists share stories, personal works, and motivational wisdom. Next, each group works on in-depth projects within their own major, so that there is a cumulative total of 10 hours per week of deep focus work on their own projects. This is followed by an all-group lunch period where students can socialize. Students must provide their own lunch, snacks, and water. Sunscreen recommended. After lunch, there is an all-ages elective block, in which students can select which discipline they would like to explore outside of their major. Possible elective options may include figure drawing, portraiture, and 3D sculpture. More information on electives and selection will take place two weeks prior to the start of the program. Finally, during the last period of the day, the Foundations-level majors select a second elective class for further exploration of a new discipline, while the Portfolio majors dive back into their majors subject.
Early drop-off available for an additional $25/day (no earlier than 8:30am) Late pick-up available for an additional $25/day (no later than 5:15pm) Please email or call 845-471-7477 to schedulean early drop off/late pick up.
Additional Discounts
Multiclass/Sibling Discount: Save 5% when registering 2 or more children OR when you sign 1 child up for two or more weeks of camp.
Need a fun activity for your kids to do when school is out, but summer camps haven’t started yet? Register now for this year’s School’s Out Summer Camp!
School’s Out Summer Camp — Monday June 26 through Friday June 30, 9:30am to 4:30pm at 45 Pershing Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY. In this one week session, young artists ages 5-10 learn new artistic skills, strengthen self-confidence, and express themselves in a fun and collaborative setting.
Classes include:
Families and friends are invited on Friday, June 30th at 3:30pm for an art show and performance!
Experience art through the eyes of talented teens who created an impressive collection of artworks, including drawing, painting, photography, digital animation, film, mixed media, and more!
Teen Visions is a culmination of hard work and dedication the work of selected young artists from The Art Effect’s 2022 summer programs including Summer Art Institute, Junior Art Institute, MADLab, Spark Studios, and D-LIT. It is an incredible accomplishment to be chosen for the Teen Visions Exhibition. As part of The Art Effect’s growing mission to empower youth as leaders who catalyze and engage the community through the arts and re-energize downtown Poughkeepsie, Teen Visions is exhibited alongside professional artists from The Art Effect’s annual membership community November 18 – December 9, 2022.
Join us for an opening reception on Friday, November 18 from 5-7pm
The Art Effect is seeking engaging and upbeat Teaching Artists, Counselors, and Counselors-In-Training for our Dutchess and Ulster Arts Camps, located in Poughkeepsie, Red Hook and New Paltz this July-August. Dutchess and Ulster Arts Camps offer a variety of programming that allow children ages 5-10 to imagine, discover, create, and have fun.
Positions Available:
Teaching Artists Teaching Artists work directly with several groups of around ten children over the course of the day to create visual and media arts projects. Teaching Artists will create lessons plans and supplies lists, coordinate with the Camp Director on implementation and support project management and organization.Half days (4 hours) or full days (8 hours) available. $25/hr. To Apply: Submit a resume, cover letter and three references to Director of Programs Mary Ellen Iatropoulos at
Counselors Counselors (age 16 and up) work directly with a single group of around ten children. They are responsible for supervising CITs, supporting Teaching Artists and overseeing morning drop offs and afternoon pickups.Mon-Fri, 8 hours a day, plus about 10 hours for move in and 10 hours for move out. $14/hr. To Apply: Complete this form here, and submit a resume, cover letter and three references to Director of Programs Mary Ellen Iatropoulos at
Counselors-In-Training (C.I.T) Counselors-In-Training (age 14 and up) help counselors with supervising a group of around ten campers. They will assist with camp preparation and clean up, and create a supportive camp community. Mon-Fri, 8 hours a day. Weekly $100 stipend. To Apply: Complete this form here, and submit a resume, cover letter and three references to Director of Programs Mary Ellen Iatropoulos at
Claudine Farley has been an art teacher for 20 years for Beacon City School District, and has been the District Art Department Coordinator for the last 15 years. She teaches a variety of classes at the high school, including Ceramics, Fashion, Studio Art, Drawing and Painting, and has recently developed a Contemporary Art Class with Dia Beacon. The class is the first of its kind, blending a major museum and high school students, exposing the students to a higher level of thinking about the art process. She has worked for The Art Effect for the last 14 years, where she has taught the Junior Art Institute in the summer and younger age groups during the school year. This is her third year as director, and she looks forward to many more years as director of Dutchess Art Camp!