Posted January 26th, 2023 — Filed under News, MADLab
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Open house success! More than 35 families stopped by The Art Effect on MLK Jr. Day to enjoy pizza and participate in workshop demos led by The Art Effect instructors Morgan Suter, Zach Reid, and Nia Scott.
Learn more about & sign up for spring classes here!
Also on display at this event were posters created by The Art Effect’s Media/Arts/Design Lab for the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute. These posters showed visitors easy yet effective ways to be more eco-friendly in their daily lives.
It was incredible to welcome members of the community to 45 Pershing Avenue, and to see youth engage with different kinds of creative learning on their day off from school! From the paintings, sketches, songs and animations produced in workshop to the long-form collaborative posters from the youth workforce development team, many forms of artistic talent and hard work were celebrated.
In December, The Art Effect’s MADLab students helped facilitate an incredible Arts for Healing workshop with residents of the Vassar-Warner Home. The workshop involved two sessions: “Abstract Painting” and “Intergenerational Illustration”. In the first session, residents experimented with abstract painting techniques; in the second, The Art Effect’s Media, Art, Design Lab (MADLab) students listened to stories of residents’ favorite holiday memories, then went on to illustrates these memories into a picture book holiday gift for each resident to keep (check out the book below)!
Expressing themselves through the soothing power of painting, the residents translated powerful emotions into a visual medium. Unexpected choices were an integral parts of this process; mistakes were transformed into poignant works of art.
When the workshop finished, 100% of participants reported a“strengthened sense of self” and 75% of participants said their stress level decreased and sense of optimism increased.
MADLab students spoke one on one with residents during the “Intergenerational Illustration” workshop. Each resident shared a favorite holiday memory and the students used the skills they’d cultivated in the MADLab program to bring this memory to life with unique illustrations.
Classic winter experiences like building snowmen or gathereing with family for a special meal were included, as well as distinctive memories like the first snowfall on a farm or a special holiday trip on a train. Each story was rendered in a student’s unique style, then compiled in a book which was gifted to residents. The book can be viewed online.
Whether the Vassar-Warner Home residents created their own paintings or shared their stories with MADLab students to generate collaborative works of art, The Art Effect’s Art for Healing workshop is now yet another holiday memory to be cherished! Learn more about The Art Effect’s Arts for Healing program here.
The Art Effect is now accepting applications for the Spring 2023 session of its two workforce development programs, Spark Studios and MADLab (Media, Arts, Design Lab). These workforce programs are arts-based career and skills training experiences.
MADLab runs January 23 – March 29, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 3:00-5:30pm and is an “earn while you learn” arts-based career and skills training program that trains youth in:
Visual art, graphic design, and portfolio development skills
Managing public art, sculptural installation, and placekeeping projects
Spark Studios runs January 24 – March 30, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays, 3:00-5:30pm and is a filmmaking and videography program for youth interested in developing their film production and professional skills including:
Working with clients on commercial videos
Bringing a creative vision to life across stages of production
Students who complete either program earn a $150 stipend. Applicants must be Dutchess County residents ages 14-19
The Art Effect’s Media/Arts/Design Lab program youth were commissioned by Scenic Hudson to paint a stunning mural at the old Harmon & Castella building at 164 Garden Street. In a fun collaboration project to involve the neighborhood in Scenic Hudson’s renovation and revitalization efforts, the mural represents the kind of place local residents believe Garden Street should become.
MADLab participants Latiana, Lamont, Jason, and Sirena with assistance from their teacher, Morgan Suter were inspired by the idea of “community” to create the imagery for the project. They then used their unique talent and vision to illustrate what community means to them. They generated individual drawings and character sketches– drawing inspiration from familiar sights in their daily lives and imbuing these images with imagination and vitality. The four youth artists then combined their styles in an original painting of impressive scale.
“I am relieved, excited, and happy that a small drawing is now a huge piece of art,” Lamont said.
The most important aspect of the mural is its expansive blackboard section, which invites passers-by to write and draw with chalk, continuing the act of artistic collaboration and further reinforcing the theme of community. The color scheme uses both cool and warm hues for a fun and vibrant effect that is welcoming in tone, yet retains the vivacious energy of their original sketches.
On Saturday, November 12th, Scenic Hudson held a block party where attendees collaborated on the blackboard section of the mural their own ideas for what the Harmon & Castella building could become with its upcoming renovations!
Engaging youth in the arts promotes powerful community change. From youth-designed public art and gallery curation to arts education, The Art Effect connects young people with opportunities to develop new skills and engage in civic life all year long. A special thank you to Scenic Hudson for their collaboration on this project and mission to environmental preservation. Our city streets are an important aspect of the environment, and the art which decorates Poughkeepsie is an integral part of the Hudson Valley’s famed beauty. Latiana, Lamont, Jason, and Sirena’s work celebrates both the human and the artistic aspects of our environment. The finished mural now welcomes, inspires, and excites all who come to Garden Street.
Dynamic programming at The Art Effect combines both visual art and media art in immersive, experiential courses that allow children to experience, explore and excel in the arts. Fall 2022 art classes begin September 18 with the exception of Senior Project beginning on September 8.
Click on any of the classes listed below for more information or to register online:
Partial scholarships are available to those in economic need. To apply for a scholarship, please complete a Scholarship Application Form and send it to
Monday – Friday, April 11-15, 12-5pm Trip April 11 to NYC to visit the artists’ studios of BoogieRez.
Students can choose from one of these exciting programs:
In the Public Art & Design Intensive, youth will will work with guest artists BoogieRez to create elements of public art installation to be unveiled at this fall’s PKX: Wonderland Festival, as well as original public art sculpture designs.
In the Video Production & Editing Intensive, youth will learn to produce short documentary films, from producing and capturing “fly on the wall” footage to learning the ins and outs of editing with Adobe Premiere Pro.
Youth who successfully complete an intensive will earn a $100 stipend.
A series of “Place Making” sculptures built and designed by The Art Effect’s MADLab (Media And Design Lab) youth workforce students under the direction of The Art Effect to cultivate a sculpture memorial garden to symbolize the scales of justice, a tree for growth, and a stronger queen city. Each piece is installed amongst plants and adorned with imagery alluding to Poughkeepsie, personalized statements for strength, harmony, and racial injustice. The memorial garden was inspired in part as a tribute to Maurice Gordon, a Poughkeepsie resident. The planter sculptures are intended to spark conversation and stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. The sculptures are partially funded by Arts Mid-Hudson and Hudson River Housing, with plants donated by the “I am Citizen” Project.
Posted November 16th, 2021 — Filed under MADLab
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Applications are open for our Spring Workforce programs!
MADLab (Media, Art, & Design Lab) is an artistic creation and arts-career training program for youth interested in building their skills through learning: •Visual art and graphic design •Social media marketing •Public art project management
Earn while you learn – Youth who complete MADLab receive a $150 stipend!
Posted May 24th, 2019 — Filed under MADLab
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Check out this awesome, short video produced by our MADLab (Media/Art/Design Lab) students! These PSAs (public service announcements) are part of the community-led initiative to clean up the Fall Kill Creek in downtown Poughkeepsie. Students engaged in the summer MADLab program will design and install public art installations, organize litter clean up days, and create anti-littering education materials, such as these PSAs.
Watch the video, then take a 6-question survey below the video!
Please take this 6-question survey based on the video above! By completing this survey, you are helping us fulfill grant requirements necessary to run our MADLab programs. Thank you!
Thank you for taking our survey!
Enjoyed the videos? Head over to MADLab to learn more about this “earn as you learn” program.
Programs provided by this agency are partially funded by monies received from Dutchess County and the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute through a grant from the State of New York. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rochester Institute of Technology and its NYS Pollution Prevention Institute or New York State.