
ArtsBridge is a multi-year college preparatory program engaging Poughkeepsie youth in the arts to provide them with training, support, and mentorship to help them succeed in higher education. ArtsBridge establishes a pathway for students to higher education through the arts. Youth ages 14-19 gain advanced artistic preparatory and portfolio development skills through the Art Institute as well as college readiness training, and emotional support through individual mentorship with a focus being on college scholarships and matriculation.

ArtsBridge runs two semesters per year where students meet in their cohorts weekly, get one-on-one mentoring, and also attend one Art Institute class of their choice on full scholarship. ArtsBridge often invites guest artists, site visits to local colleges, and more, exposing youth to a variety of college majors and career fields.

Click here to learn more about The Art Institute.

ArtsBridge is a unique program that establishes a pathway for students who may not typically consider college to begin thinking about higher education. Students are mentored on the college selection process, looking for financial and merit-based scholarships, how to write the right personal essay, negotiating financial offers from schools, and SAT prep.

To apply for ArtsBridge, email and schedule an interview!


Arts Bridge was first established in 2019 with a small group of youth as a pilot program and has continued to develop to support youth entering and succeeding in college. Arts Bridge was inspired by Poughkeepsie youth and created as a unique way to sponsor young aspiring artists through The Art Institute. Through the development of the pilot program, student feedback, and youth needs, Arts Bridge has morphed into an exciting program that helps youth gain advanced art skills, alongside life skills and social emotional support that help them succeed in college.

In the last four years:

  • 100% of students complete at least 10 portfolio-worthy works of art. Types of projects ranged from self portraiture to observational work to personal interest projects.
  • 100% of ArtsBridge participants graduate from high school.
  • 100% of those who apply for college will enter a 2- or 4-year institution and receive a college scholarship.

“Arts Bridge really helped me build up my portfolio for college and understand what colleges will best fit me”  
-Katia Estrada              

“I think The Art Effect is really helpful and really teaches a lot of skills, not just from art but also from daily life.”
-Ashley Santos-Perez

ArtsBridge is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, monies received from the New York State Council on the Arts, and from Adams Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee supporting The Art Effect’s exemplary programs.

National Art Honor Society

The Art Effect’s National Art Honor Society (NAHS) Chapter #2242 recognizes 9th-12th grade students of high academic and artistic standing throughout the Hudson Valley. This is the only chapter in the United States not affiliated with a high school. The NAHS encourages students to reach their highest level of professionalism and prepares students for a career in the arts. Members serve their community by designing and painting public murals, raising money for scholarships and local organizations, creating public art projects, participating in community art events, and helping set up student exhibits. 


Members are selected each semester from nominated high school students at The Art Effect who meet the requirements of excellence in visual and media art, a minimum of an 87 weighted GPA, and attendance in courses within the Art Institute, Spark Studios, and/or MADLab programs. NAHS members are seen as leaders in their field and often receive priority treatment when applying to college. Membership opens up opportunities for college scholarships from numerous institutions as well as from the NAEA (National Art Education Association) that are not typically available to other students.

There are approximately 18-25 members each semester from high schools throughout the Hudson Valley including: Arlington, Dutchess Day School, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Haldane, The Harvey School, John Jay, Millbrook, Newburgh, New Paltz, New Rochelle, Oakwood Friends School, Our Lady of Lourdes, Poughkeepsie, Red Hook, Rhinebeck, Rondout Valley, Roy C. Ketcham, Stissing Mountain, Wallkill, and Warwick Valley.

NAHS members upon graduation have received thousands of dollars in scholarships to attend college. More than six of our graduates have received the $60,000 NAEA scholarship towards high-end art colleges and universities such as Pratt Institute. In the last two year, NAHS members have been offered more than $1,000,000 in scholarships to schools including MICA, Tufts, SVA, Harvard and BU.

NAHS meets every 2 weeks following the school year schedule.


Started by the National Art Education Association (NAEA) in 1978, the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) inspires and recognizes 9th-12th grade students who have shown an outstanding ability in art and academics. The Art Effect’s NAHS chapter #2242 was started in 2003 under Mill Street Loft and has proudly served over 300 individual young artists.

Over the years, members have worked with numerous community organizations and throughout the City of Poughkeepsie to make a difference through the arts. Some past projects include:

Program Manager

In addition to being the Director of Programs, Mary Ellen Iatropoulos is also an active teacher at The Art Effect and coordinates its #2242 NAHS chapter. Since 2007, Mary Ellen has been one of The Art Effect’s lead teaching artists in radio production, film, photography and zine-making/writing, teaching classes for schools, libraries, and partner organizations across the Hudson Valley. She was the media arts instructor at Poughkeepsie Day School’s middle school from 2011-2017, teaching courses in film, photography, digital media, and YouTube for middle school students. She loves helping students produce meaningful and often award-winning content, including the award-winning student film Santa Woman which was selected by the Tribeca Film Festival’s “The America I Am” competition.

This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts and is partially funded by monies received from the New York State Council on the Arts.

Art Institute

The Art Institute inspires and motivates students, preparing them for successful careers and acquiring merit-based scholarships to the nation’s best art schools in the visual and media arts. Art Institute is a year-round, intensive, pre-college portfolio development program for motivated teens ages 14-19. Graduates generate an impressive portfolio of original work that demonstrates their pre-professional skills in the visual and media arts. 

See current and upcoming courses HERE.

painting class at the Art Institute

Courses and Skills

Art Institute classes take place after school, on weekends, and in the summer on a trimester schedule. Classes are taught by professional artists/educators with a curriculum that surpasses the New York State Standards of Art Education. The student-centered, holistic program prioritizes personal and professional development through rigorous arts instruction, regular critiques, mentorship, public exhibition, and engagement with college and conservatory programs.

The program creates a firm foundation in the visual and media arts by training students in developing ideas through the creative process toward the completion of a portfolio of original work. Students leave The Art Institute with a core understanding of skills including:

  • Core techniques and skills within their focused medium(s)
  • The processes of artmaking (concept to finished product)
  • Ability to create original work independently and professionally
  • Color theory, composition, perspective, depth
  • Artistic vocabulary to professionally speak about artwork & processes
  • Portraying personal experiences, emotion, thoughts in their artwork narratives
  • Giving and receiving constructive critique/feedback
  • Gaining confidence in themselves, their artwork, & their futures
  • Exhibition experience
  • Making connections to art in the world around them

Teachers use a rubric based on the National Art Standards and customize their approach as they help students understand their strengths and weaknesses and learn how to critique their own and other students’ work. Throughout the year, students may also participate in international study trips, field trips to artists’ studios, college visits and portfolio reviews, and summer intensives. 

The Art Institute also offers local youth opportunities to build collegial and community service connections. Students participate in the Art Institute’s National Art Honor Society; attend the Hudson Valley Regional Portfolio Day to meet with college representatives; host, curate, and display their work in public exhibitions; and participate in national art competitions.

award winning painting

Scholarships and Awards

The Art Institute began as part of The Art Effect’s pre-merger organization, Mill Street Loft, in 1997 with the goal of helping motivated, talented high school students interested in pursuing careers in the visual arts build skills and develop portfolios. The Institute provides one-on-one mentoring to support students’ college applications, including a long history of success in helping Art Institute students secure merit-based scholarships to art schools and colleges. Our students have been awarded over $56 million in scholarships to the nation’s finest art schools across the nation including Maryland Institute College of Art, Pratt Institute, School of Visual Arts, Columbus College of Art and Design, FIT, Rhode Island School of Design, Purchase College, Rochester Institute of Technology, SCAD, and Maine College of Art and Design.

In 2020, nearly $18,000 in financial assistance scholarships to The Art Institute courses were awarded to low-income students through scholarship funding including the Carole and Ted Wolf Scholarship Fund and other generous funders. Poughkeepsie youth who receive scholarships also participate in ArtsBridge, providing them with training, support, and mentorship to help them succeed in higher education, navigating acceptance and maximizing scholarship, and financial aid offers. 
Additionally, The Art Institute sponsors student applications to the Scholastic Art Awards, YoungArts Competition, and the Congressional Art Competition. Since 2019, more than 200 gold, silver, and honorable mention keys have been awarded to students at The Art Effect from Scholastic’s Hudson Valley Art Awards. In 2020, students Anneke Chan and Alyssa Palerma both received competitive grand prize awards from their Congressional district.

The Art Institute is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts and is partially funded by monies received from the New York State Council on the Arts, The Dyson Foundation, the Leslie C. and Irene G. Roe Fund of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley and other supporters.

Radio Uprising

Radio Uprising is The Art Effect’s exciting weekly youth radio show that gives young producers the opportunity to express themselves creatively via the airwaves, developing next generation newsmakers and covering youth issues in Poughkeepsie, NY. In a weekly hour-long live broadcast on 91.3fm WVKR at Vassar College, middle and high school age students engage in on-air discussion of politics, social action, current events, and personal experience. Each week, Radio Uprising features a rotating lineup of youth DJs and radio hosts.

Tune in to 91.3fm on Thursdays from 4-5pm EST or visit the live stream on

radio uprising


The Art Effect’s Radio Uprising program supports and grows the next generation of journalists and newsmakers through hands-on learning in media literacy and production skills. Young people who participate in Radio Uprising gain a diverse skill set in:

  • audio recording
  • audio editing
  • public speaking
  • critical thinking
  • interviewing
  • journalism
  • field recording

To learn more about audio recording, editing and video journalism visit Spark Studios.
Apply to be a youth DJ or radio host! E-mail or call 845.471.7477 to set up an interview.


Radio Uprising, a weekly radio show on Vassar College’s WVKR station, has been broadcasting for over thirteen years. Since May 2008, Radio Uprising has provided a public platform for young people to express themselves and their opinions on a variety of hard-hitting topics. Radio Uprising youth have interviewed and partnered with local organizations in Poughkeepsie such as the Poughkeepsie Journal, Planned Parenthood, and Grace Smith House.

They have also featured work from other youth radio producers from around the country including Blunt Youth Radio Project, Global Action Project, the Bay Area Video Coalition, Radio Rootz, and Reel Grrls. Radio show topics include:

Listen to the full list of past podcasts HERE.

Radio Uprising is a partnership with WVKR and Vassar College which has received past support from the Jane Nuhn Charitable Trust.


Youth Curatorial Team

The Art Effect’s curatorial training program is composed of youth taking part in the Trolley Barn Gallery Curatorial Team who make high level exhibition curation decisions and are mentored by experts in the field. The Youth Curatorial Team takes place over two semester-long sessions in the Fall and the Spring. Youth earn a stipend as the leaders of international juried exhibitions at the Trolley Barn Gallery, and are responsible for every aspect of exhibition curation, including theme generation, artwork selection, art handling, exhibition installation, and interpretation. The Youth Curatorial Team works closely with curators from across the country in a series of after school sessions, weekend workshops, and a variety of gallery and community events. Youth learn about project management, develop public speaking skills through gallery presentations and artist talks, and establish professional connections with international artists, curators, and arts professionals to bring impressive exhibitions of high-caliber artwork to Poughkeepsie.

Sessions run in the Spring (January-May) and Fall (September – December). Applications for the Trolley Barn Gallery Squad are accepted in November (for the Spring) and August (for the Fall).


Trolley Barn Gallery Squad program trains youth as leaders who catalyze the community through the arts and re-energize downtown Poughkeepsie. Together alongside established art professionals, youth present impactful exhibitions that engage the wider community and acquaint youth with all aspects of the curatorial process including; Museum & Gallery Administration; Project Management; Art Exhibition Curation & Interpretation; Art Handling; Exhibition Design & Installation; Public Speaking; Virtual Exhibition Design; Workshops with curators, artists, and museum professionals.

Guest Curators and Partners

Trolley Barn Gallery Team youth work with professional curators from galleries across the county including;


After laying vacant for many years, The Poughkeepsie Trolley Barn in 2015 found itself in the middle of a transformative wave rushing across the City, breathing a new life of art into the area. Re-activating the iconic Poughkeepsie Trolley Barn through an innovative approach to youth empowerment through the arts gave The Art Effect a unique opportunity to put youth in the driver seat of this incredible space. 

In January of 2019, The Art Effect welcomed the community for it’s first ever Art After Dark exhibition at The Trolley Barn Gallery. The first true youth-led exhibition took place September 2020 with Teen Visions and finally in 2021, as a pilot youth museum studies program, The Trolley Barn Gallery launched its new international juried exhibition series inviting youth to take a leading role in the planning of Home Sick and future exhibition, empowering them to engage community members and visitors in transformative arts experiences that they curate. 

In March of 2021, bringing together the largest arts organization with the oldest arts

organization in Dutchess County, Barrett Art Center affiliated with The Art Effect. The affiliation opened doors of new opportunities, a higher level of expertise, and maintained the knowledge, direction, and engagement that Barrett brings to the community through The Art Effect’s new curatorial initiative. Learn more about the affiliation HERE.
The first cohorts of youth in the curatorial program established connections with curators from the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at Vassar College; the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY New Paltz, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit.

Teachers and Program Staff

Jaime Ransome was born and raised in Rhinebeck NY and graduated from Syracuse University in May of 2022 after receiving her MFA in Museum Studies and her BFA in Film. She specializes in feminist and BIPOC art history and film theory. She attended Children’s Media Project (The Art Effect’s former Spark Studios program) and is now happy to be returning to Poughkeepsie to pass on her knowledge to The Art Effect Youth.

This program is partially funded by monies received from the New York State Council on the Arts.

Forge Media

Forge Media employs emerging filmmakers ages 16-25 to work alongside experienced producers creating video content that stands out from the crowd and brings clients’ concepts to life. This next generation of videographers gain valuable experience in professional film production, build their portfolios, further develop their skills, and expand their relationships in the film industry.

Forge Media’s Impact

Forge Media’s youth apprenticeship program is the first of its kind in the Hudson Valley. Young, aspiring filmmakers who excel in the Spark Studios program gain client-based work experience, further develop their filmmaking skills using professional-level equipment and technology, and build both their portfolios and professional relationships.

All proceeds from Forge Media support our apprentices through this creative media mentorship program. Competition in the world of media is tough, and opportunities for emerging filmmakers can be hard to come by. Forge provides young filmmakers and producers with those opportunities, giving them an edge as they continue on the path towards becoming media industry leaders. Learn more about the services Forge Media offers at

To book a Forge Media production, e-mail


Youth working with Forge Media are often referred through Spark Studios or have worked with The Art Effect as a film and media intern and excelled within their program. At Forge Media, young filmmakers work on professional film sets throughout the Hudson Valley gaining experience as an assistant director or production assistant in:

  • Boom Operation
  • Sound Mixing
  • Camera Operating
  • Grip and Gaffer
  • Editing
  • Writing


Forge Film Shoot

Recent clients of Forge Media include:
(Click links for videos)

Media/Arts/Design Lab (MADLab)

madlab artists

The Art Effect’s Media, Art, and Design Lab (MADLab) engages teens ages 14-19 from the City of Poughkeepsie and helps them develop life and workforce skills in the growing arts and media sectors. Through four after-school sessions and one full-time summer session, MADLab youth earn a wage or stipend as they gain competency while learning about visual art, media art, and design careers. Through youth mentorship, on-the-job learning, and access to materials and equipment, MADLab fosters youth development, facilitates academic and workplace performance, and is a catalyst for community engagement and urban renewal in the City of Poughkeepsie.


Each MADLab session exposes students interested in visual art, creative placemaking, public art, media and design, and more to the creative workforce process by producing collaborative visual arts projects, and learning workplace skills such as time management, team work, leadership, and communication. The summer program has a special focus on public art and creative placemaking in which youth design and produce a public art installation in downtown Poughkeepsie.

  • graphic design
  • painting
  • sculpture
  • digital painting
  • photography (see also; Spark Studios)
  • public speaking
  • leadership
  • workplace etiquette
  • presenting and critiquing

Students work both independently and in teams on various creative prompts to get the most out of this “earn while you learn” mentorship program. Every semester students work on one client project to develop a professional creative portfolio including logo development, resume writing, and graphic design. MADLab youth who have developed advanced skills, are supported in connecting to outside jobs and internships with businesses and organizations to help provide additional early job experiences in our community.

Support MADLab youth and contact us to hire a student for your design project today!

Field Trips and Partners

The MADLab Program often takes hands-on learning on the road! Through the MADLab program, students work on various projects with and for many local community partners including visiting local galleries, museums and community organizations throughout the year. Trips include; Storm King Art Center, Art Omi, and Bard College. MADLab students have partnered with a number of community organizations including:

Teachers and Program Staff

David Wong is a graduate of the arts management program at SUNY Purchase with a degree in commercial art from SUNY Dutchess. David’s background in contemporary sculpture includes working in fine art institutions such as Dia: Beacon and Storm King Art Center. David has been an art department intern for both feature films and music videos, and his work as an educator specializes in creative placemaking. David began with The Art Effect’s as an intern in 2016 working for the 21st Century Project (later called The Empire Program). He has also worked with Spark Studios and ArtsBridge and has coordinated the MADLab program since 2018.

Programs provided by this agency are partially funded by monies received from Dutchess County, New York State Council on the Arts, in part by the Bailey Foundation, Community Foundations Hudson Valley, Dutchess County Workforce Investment Board (DCWIB), the City of Poughkeepsie, and from Adams Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee supporting The Art Effect’s exemplary programs.

Spark Studios

Spark Studios Youth Filmmakers

Spark Studios teaches film and media arts to empower youth’s voices, build workforce development skills, provide paid work experience, and help students get on a path to college and career success. Youth in Spark Studios learn filmmaking, photography, digital media production, and create media projects in teams and for community clients.

Spark Studios prepares young people for entry into the Art Institute where they can develop a college film or photography portfolio as well as become employable in a competitive media workforce, including The Art Effect’s advanced program Forge Media.

Spark Studios runs in the fall, spring and summer and offers intensives in the winter.
Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory, 8 North Cherry Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Creative Filmmaking and Workforce Training

  • Explore cutting-edge media production techniques
  • Artistic and technical skill building to create creative short films
  • Student produced original media productions
  • Industry exposure
  • Develop skills, attitude, and competency for college
  • Intermediate-level youth program skills for entry into the Art Institute (to prepare college film portfolios)

Clients and Partners

Clients and partners that have worked with Spark Studios recently include Scenic Hudson, Walkway Over the Hudson, Arts Mid Hudson, Poet Gold + POUGHetry Festival, Poughkeepsie City School District, Black Excellence Community, Cary Institute, Engaged Pluralism Initiative, and Hudson River Housing, Dutchess County, Family Services, among others. 

Support Spark Studios youth — Contact us to partner on a client project!

Spark Studios on FIlm Set

Creative Filmmaking and Workforce Training Skills

Youth enrolled in Spark Studios gain experience and acquire skills in: 

  • photography and digital editing
  • videography and video editing
  • lighting
  • audio mixing
  • creating public service announcements
  • scriptwriting and creative short films
  • documentaries
  • animation and stop-motion
  • financial literacy and time management skill development
  • develop community connections and interpersonal skills
  • media portfolio development


Spark Studios, formerly known as Media Magic & DROP TV, has been a place for youth to express themselves in video and photos for decades. DROP TV (which stood for Direct Revolution of Programming) began as a summer youth employment program in 1996 focused on producing video segments for episodes of the DROP TV youth television series which aired on CableVision. In 2012, the program was extended to an after school filmmaking program, Media Magic. Students participating in Media Magic created incredible short-form video content in collaboration with community partners.

Students of Spark Studios have gone on to work as crew members in the film industry including Hudsy, HBO, and have also become entrepreneurs.

Awards and Recognition

Many of the short films created by youth during Spark Studios win entries and awards at film festivals around the world. Click on any of the film names below and take a peek!

“The Edge” won an award at the Wildcat Spirit Film Festival and at the Lower Hudson Media Arts Show. The film was also a finalist at the Reel Exposure Teen Film and Photography Festival. The film was also selected for Newark IFF Youth Festival, The Lift-Off Sessions and First-Time Filmmaker Sessions.

“The Lock Down” won an award at the Wildcat Spirit Film Festival and at the Lower Hudson Media Arts Show and was a finalist at the Reel Exposure Teen Film and Photography Festival. It was also selected at The Lift-Off Sessions and First-Time Filmmaker Sessions.

“Santa Woman” has won awards at the Tribeca Film Institute’s “The America I Am” Competition – Best Collaborative Film, The Rockland County Film Festival, Award Winner Reel Expressions Teen Film Festival 2017, 2nd Place The Chocolate City International Short Film Festival in Wisconsin, and was a semi-familist at the Newark IFF Youth Festival.

“The Art of Loss” won at the Lower Hudson Media Arts Show.

“The Problems We Share” was selected for the Reel Exposure Teen Film and Photography Festival.

“Here’s A Toast” won at the Lower Hudson Media Arts Show.

“If You Choose To Accept It” was selected for The Lift-Off Sessions and Reel Exposure Teen Film and Photography Festival.

“Nirvana” was a finalist at the Newark IFF Youth Festival and a selection at The Lift-Off Sessions and First-Time Filmmaker Sessions.

The Written and “E+MC Scared” were selected for The 9th International Children’s Film Festival.

“A Problem” was selected for the Reel Exposure Teen Film and Photography Festival, Dances with Films, and Central Illinois Feminist Film Festival.

“DaVinci Jackson – Someday” was selected for The Lift-Off Sessions, First-Time Filmmaker Sessions and Newark IFF Youth Festival.

“Freemium” was selected for The Lift-Off Sessions, Super International Teenager Film Festival and First-Time Filmmaker Sessions.

The Art Effect partners with local organizations to host panel discussions, screenings, and events that highlight the incredible work produced by Spark Studios youth including The International Reel Exposure Teen Film and Photo Festival and in 2019, Spark Studios worked with the City of Poughkeepsie to organize a public screening of Spark Studios films with a local HBO production team who provided feedback on youth films.

Teachers and Program Staff

Adam Reid (Reidz) is the Media Programs Manager and Lead Instructor for Spark Studios, teaching video production, photography, and script writing. Reidz returned to Poughkeepsie after graduating college with a MS in Arts & Sciences and has taught both NYS General Education and special needs students from ages 7-21 years old. Reidz has over 20 years of experience in the production industry, producing content such as short form documentaries, interviews, product commercials, promotional campaign videos, graphic design, digital marketing, fashion shows, and music videos for organizations including, NFL Flag League, P.K., Voices of Our Nations Arts Foundation, Love Hair Salon, Noel New York, Denizard Jewels and Poughkeepsie Mayor Yvonne Flowers. Reidz grew up in Poughkeepsie and is able to relate and stand as a role model for the youth, helping them develop life and workforce skills, encouraging them to utilize creative expression and become the best version of themselves. 

This program is partially funded by monies received from Dutchess County, the New York State Council on the Arts, and the United Way of Dutchess County.
Additional grants for Spark Studios have been provided by City of Poughkeepsie youth grant Roe Fund/CFHV and The Dutchess County Department of Youth Services